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    Shaw S. / Advanced Taekwondo [2006] 16 Апр 2016 40luso 190

    Таэквондо можно охарактеризовать как жесткую систему боевых искусств - с проникающими ударами ног и рук и мощными прямолинейными атаками. Последователи таэквондо знают, что продвинутые тренировки это не только стремление к мастерским техникам, но также развитие глубокого понимания истории, философии и концепций основ этого боевого искусства.

    Название: Advanced Taekwondo
    Автор: Shaw S.
    Издательство: Tuttle Publishing
    Год: 2006
    Страниц: 216
    Формат: pdf, epub
    Размер: 12,2 мб
    Качество: хорошее
    Язык: английский
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    Cheng D. / Jeet Kune Do Basics [2004] 16 Апр 2016 40luso 242

    Эта полезная и информативная книга предлагает детальный обзор практик Джит Кун До, объясняя особенности движений читателям, которые хотят улучшить свои техники.

    Название: Jeet Kune Do Basics
    Автор: Cheng D.
    Издательство: Tuttle Publishing
    Год: 2004
    Страниц: 192
    Формат: pdf, epub
    Размер: 10,8 мб
    Качество: хорошее
    Язык: английский
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    Анисимов С.С. / Кавказский край. Путеводитель по Кавказу [1924] 16 Апр 2016 40luso 189

    "Книга для туристов, курортных больных и торгово-промышленных деятелей. 96 иллюстраций, экскурсионная карта, карта путей сообщения и района минеральных вод в красках, 9 малых карт в тексте. Приложение - "Животный мир и охоты Кавказа"."

    Название: Кавказский край. Путеводитель по Кавказу
    Автор: Анисимов С.С.
    Издательство: "Мосполиграф" (Москва)
    Год: 1924
    Количество страниц: 498
    Формат: PDF
    Размер: 104,01 MB
    ISBN: -
    Качество: хорошее
    Язык: русский
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    The Family Handyman - May 2016 16 Апр 2016 40luso 149

    Название: The Family Handyman
    Год / месяц: May 2016
    Страниц: 92
    Язык: English
    Формат: True PDF
    Размер: 46 MB

    The Family Handyman - журнал для домашних мастеров: советы по ведению домашнего хозяйства, обустройство приусадебного участка, навыки обращения с рабочим инструментом, мелкий ремонт, идеи по оформлению интерьера, и т.д.
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    Airliner World 2016-05 16 Апр 2016 40luso 153

    Название: Airliner World
    Издательство: Key Publishing
    Год / месяц: May 2016
    Страниц: 100
    Язык: English
    Формат: True PDF
    Размер: 25 MB

    Airliner World is an aviation magazine published by Key Publishing LTD from Lincs, United Kingdom and distributed by Seymour Distribution LTD in London. In the United States, the magazine is distributed from Key Publishing LTD's office in Avenel, New Jersey.
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    John McKay, Ron Coleman / The 24-gun Frigate Pandora 1778 (Anatomy of the Ship) 2003 16 Апр 2016 40luso 144

    Название: The 24-gun Frigate Pandora 1778
    Автор(ы): John McKay, Ron Coleman
    Издательство: Naval Institute Press
    Серия: Anatomy of the Ship
    Год: 2003
    ISBN: 0851778941
    Страниц: 133
    Язык: English
    Формат: PDF
    Размер: 60 MB

    The Pandora was a 24-gun Sixth Rate built at Deptford in 1779. The 20- and 24-gun classes were the smallest regularly commanded by a Post Captain and they were consequently known as post ships; they were also the smallest frigate-built ships on the Navy List.
    The Pandora is best known for her voyage to Tahiti which was undertaken to bring back the Bounty mutineers. Fourteen of them were captured at Tahiti but four were drowned when Pandora ran aground on 29 August 1791 on the Great Barrier Reef on her return journey. The surviving ten were eventually brought back to Portsmouth and court-martialled. Three of them were hung. The site of the wreck was discovered in 1977 and has been extensively excavated by a team led by Ron Coleman.
    As part of the renowned Anatomy of the Ship series, this book provides the finest documentation of the Bellona, with a complete set of superb line drawings, supported by technical details and a record of the ship's service history.
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    Brian Lavery / The 74-gun Ship Bellona 1760 (Anatomy of the Ship) 1989 16 Апр 2016 40luso 209

    Название: The 74-gun Ship Bellona 1760
    Автор(ы): Brian Lavery
    Издательство: Conway Maritime Press
    Серия: Anatomy of the Ship
    Год: 1989
    ISBN: 0851773680
    Страниц: 122
    Язык: English
    Формат: PDF
    Размер: 81 MB

    The '74' was the classic line-of-battle ship of the late eighteenth century, and Bellona was one of the most important and long lived. Launched in 1760 during the Seven Years War, she belonged to the first truly successful class of British 74-gun ships, a design by Thomas Slade that was built in large numbers over more than twenty years. Bellona herself served with distinction over 54 years, fought in four wars and was not broken up until 1814.
    As part of the renowned Anatomy of the Ship series, this book provides the finest documentation of the Bellona, with a complete set of superb line drawings, supported by technical details and a record of the ship's service history.
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    Peter Goodwin / The Bomb Vessel Granado 1742 (Anatomy of the Ship) 1989 16 Апр 2016 40luso 145

    Название: The Bomb Vessel Granado 1742
    Автор(ы): Peter Goodwin
    Издательство: Conway Maritime Press
    Серия: Anatomy of the Ship
    Год: 1989
    ISBN: 0851775225
    Страниц: 128
    Язык: English
    Формат: PDF
    Размер: 53 MB

    The aim of this series is to provide the finest documentation of individual ships ever produced through illustrations offering enthusiasts a novel insight into ship design and construction. Each volume includes a service and design history and a section emphasising close-up and on-board photos.
    By the seventeenth century large mortars had been used for siege warfare on land for many years; owing, however, to its size, weight and tremendous recoil, the conception of employing such a weapon at sea had never been seriously considered. In comparison to standard ordnance, the mortar had many advantages: its greater range permitted it to be fired from a position well outside the scope of defending artillery, and its projectiles, whether in the form of explosive shells or carcasses (incendiary devices), could be fired at a high trajectory beyond low-lying hills and coastal fortifications. Because sea-going ordnance offered none of these advantages, laying a siege from the sea with conventional armament ... Читать дальше »
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    Karl Heinz Marquardt / The 44-Gun Frigate USS Constitution (Anatomy of the Ship) 2005 16 Апр 2016 40luso 231

    Название: The 44-Gun Frigate USS Constitution
    Автор(ы): Karl Heinz Marquardt
    Издательство: Naval Institute Press
    Серия: Anatomy of the Ship
    Год: 2005
    ISBN: 1591142504
    Страниц: 130
    Язык: English
    Формат: PDF
    Размер: 114 MB

    The Constitution was one of the US Navy's first six original frigates, ordered as a counter to the Barbary corsairs in the Mediterranean. Fast and heavily built, she was nominally rated as a 44 but mounted thirty 24-pdr and twenty-two 12-pdr cannon. Her most famous encounter, after which she became nicknamed 'Old Ironsides' due to British shot being seen bouncing off her hull, involved HMS Guerriere, which she smashed; the same treatment was meted out to HMS Java four months later. Now the oldest commissioned warship afloat in thw world, she is berthed in Boston Harbor. The 'Anatomy of the Ship' series aims to provide the finest documentation of individual ships and ship types ever published. What makes the series unique is a complete set of superbly executed line drawings, both the conventional type of plan as well as explanatory views, with fully descriptive keys. These are supported by technical details and a record of the ship's service history.
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    PC Magazine №4 (April 2016) USA 16 Апр 2016 40luso 272

    PC Magazine является одним из известнейших и авторитетнейших журналов в мире. Издание внимательно отслеживает современный рынок ИТ-индустрии, рассказывает о новинках hardware, проводит подробные тесты и обзоры самых важных новинок, благодаря собственной тестовой лаборатории, которая оснащена по последнему слову техники, представляет практику по самостоятельному улучшению собственного компьютера и программного обеспечения на нём, а также многое другое.

    Название: PC Magazine
    Издательство: Ziff Davis Inc.
    Год: 2016
    Номер: 4
    Страниц: 150
    Язык: английский
    Формат: PDF
    Размер: 24,6 МБ
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    Playboy №4 (April 2016) Italy 16 Апр 2016 40luso 291

    Легендарный журнал для мужчин, основанный в 1953 году Хью Хефнером и его коллегами, выросший в настоящую империю Playboy Enterprises, влияние которой распространяется на все области медиа. Playboy — один из самых известных в мире брендов.

    Название: Playboy
    Издательство: Playboy
    Год: 2016
    Номер: 4
    Страниц: 148
    Язык: итальянский
    Формат: PDF
    Размер: 64,5 МБ
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    Shahid Javed Burki / Burki Sh. Pakistan: Fifty Years Of Nationhood [1999] 16 Апр 2016 40luso 184

    Название: Pakistan: Fifty Years Of Nationhood
    Автор: Shahid Javed Burki
    Издательство: Boulder, CO: Westview Press
    Год: 1999
    Формат: pdf
    Страниц: 272
    Размер: 25,4 mb
    Язык: English

    Although it achieved independence in 1947, Pakistan still has not succeeded in integrating its diverse peoples into a nation—as its short yet turbulent history vividly demonstrates. New chapters detail political developments since 1991, including the elections of 1993 and 1996. Economic changes, including the financial crisis that led to the fall of Benazir Bhutto’s government in 1996, are given particular attention. Also included is an extensive analysis of the nuclear arms race between India and Pakistan, an issue of global concern.
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    Photo Insights May 2016 16 Апр 2016 40luso 152

    Photo Insights - журнал, посвященный фотографии и работе с Photoshop.

    Название: Photo Insights
    Год / месяц: 2016 may / май
    Номер: 5
    Формат: PDF
    Размер: 20,4 МВ
    Страниц: 38
    Издательство: Jim Zuckerman's
    Язык: английский
    Качество: нормальное
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    ProPhoto Vol.72 No. 2 - 2016 16 Апр 2016 40luso 132

    ProPhoto - австралийский журнал о цифровой фотографии, предназначенный прежде всего продвинутым пользователям и профессионалам. Каждый выпуск журнала включает великолепные портфолио и биографические очерки творчества фотографов, обзоры новинок фототехники и аксессуаров, детали демонстрационных показов их образцов.

    Название: ProPhoto
    Год / месяц: 2016
    Номер: vol. 72 No. 2
    Формат: PDF
    Размер: 12,9 МВ
    Страниц: 52
    Издательство: nextmedia Ply Ltd.
    Язык: английский
    Качество: нормальное
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    John Roberts / The Battleship Dreadnought (Anatomy of the Ship) 2001 16 Апр 2016 40luso 305

    Название: The Battleship Dreadnought
    Автор(ы): John Roberts
    Издательство: Conway Maritime Press
    Серия: Anatomy of the Ship
    Год: 2001
    ISBN: 085177895X
    Страниц: 258
    Язык: English
    Формат: PDF
    Размер: 152 MB

    Launched in 1906, HMS Dreadnought revolutionized battleship design. As the first “all-big-gun” battleship, she had superior firepower and speed to anything then afloat, with up-to-the-minute technology. This entry in the Anatomy of the Ship series documents the Dreadnought in beautiful line drawings, with both conventional plans and explanatory views, along with technical details and a record of the ship's service history.
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    Ross Watton / The Battleship Warsprite (Anatomy of the Ship) 2002 16 Апр 2016 40luso 160

    Название: The Battleship Warsprite
    Автор(ы): Ross Watton
    Издательство: Naval Institute Press
    Серия: Anatomy of the Ship
    Год: 2002
    ISBN: 1591140390
    Страниц: 122
    Язык: English
    Формат: PDF
    Размер: 140 MB

    "The Anatomy of the Ship" series provides documentation of individual ships and ship types. The books are illustrated with line drawings, both the conventional type of plan as well as explantory views, with fully descriptive keys. These are supported by technical details and a record of the ship's service history. HMS "Warspite" was arguably one of the finest capital ship designs of all time. "Warspite" and her four sister ships of the "Queen Elizabeth" class were the prototypes of the modern fast battleship, the ultimate development of the "Dreadnought" type. "Warspite" had one of the most active and successful fighting careers. Her service spanned two generations from Jutland in 1916, the last great surface engagement between battle fleets, where she received many hits, to the dawn of the missile age (she was badly damaged by a guided bomb in 1943), with battle honours that also included Narvik, Matapan and the D-Day landings. The "Old Lady", as she was affectionaly known during World War II, was finally a ... Читать дальше »